哈德逊山谷社区学院 and 罗素塞奇学院 Team Up to Support Refugee Resettlement



哈德逊山谷社区学院获得了25美元的奖金,000美元的“每个校园都是避难所”(ECAR)赠款,用于支持首都地区难民的重新安置. 这所学院将与邻近学院合作 罗素塞奇学院 提供住房, 教育, 以及基本的支持服务,帮助家庭搬迁到该地区.

在妇女研究所和服务学习办公室的领导下, Russell Sage是纽约第一所与ECAR合作并于2021年获得资助的大学, and Hudson Valley is the first SUNY institution to partner with ECAR and receive a program grant. 这两所学院将与 U.S. 难民委员会 & 美国移民局奥尔巴尼办事处.

每个校园都是避难所 吉尔福德学院是2015年9月成立的高等教育项目吗. 它的使命是使每一个美国人.S. college and university a Resettlement Campus which partners with a local refugee resettlement agency to host refugees on campus grounds and supports their successful integration. 自ECAR成立以来, 包括拉斐特学院在内的16个校区, 维克森林大学, 罗素塞奇学院, 锡耶纳大学, 华盛顿州立大学, 老道明大学, 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学, 克莱姆森大学和其他大学已经建立了自己的ECAR分会. ECAR已经得到了白宫的认可, 联合国, 并获得了多个高等教育社区参与奖. 除了动员大学支持难民家庭外,ECAR还是联合国难民事务高级专员办事处的成员.S. 国务院的 校园欢迎团 财团, and will be supporting private sponsor groups at colleges and universities as they sponsor refugee students. 有关ECAR的更多信息,请访问其网站.

Dr. 迪亚Abdo, 每个校园避难所的创始人和主任, served as The Women’s Institute’s visiting Affiliate Scholar last year and helped to further develop the ECAR program at Russell Sage. ECAR and The Women’s Institute hosted a certificate-bearing training for potential new chapters in May 2023, and Hudson Valley is the first of the participating institutions to mobilize and become an ECAR chapter.

Hudson Valley and Russell Sage will support families in the first few months of their resettlement in the area. 透过提供临时房屋及各种支援服务, refugee families will have the space and assistance for a softer landing and a stronger beginning in their new communities. 自2020年以来, Russell Sage与USCRI合作建立了“好邻居团队”,“组织教师小组, 工作人员, 学生们为最近抵达的难民家庭提供直接支持. 随着与哈德逊河谷和ECAR的合作关系的扩大, 在接下来的几个月里,这些学院可以帮助多个新家庭.

“过去一年,USCRI重新安置的一些难民受益于ECAR的支持, 特别是拉塞尔塞奇学院, 我们欢迎并期待有机会扩大与HVCC的合作关系,”医生说。. 大卫·萨斯曼,奥尔巴尼USCRI主任.

Hudson Valley will provide a program coordinator and offer English as a second language instruction, 高中课程和职业准备课程, 以及专门的入学建议, 医疗保健导航支持, 就业深思熟虑, 在其他服务中. Russell Sage将提供临时校内住宿. 两所学院将深化与地区难民安置机构的伙伴关系, 创建学生参与的活动和事件, 共同赞助社区教育机会.

“We are so pleased to partner with neighboring 罗素塞奇学院 to forge a unique partnership that will help refugee families resetting in the area and to become the first SUNY ECAR chapter,罗杰·拉姆萨米总统说. “Our goal is to ease the burden of resettlement and assist those in our own community who need essential 教育, 语言技能, 职业培训和全方位服务,开始新生活. 通过与Russell Sage合作, we are bringing together the strengths of both colleges and plan to support ECAR families in a way that neither college could independently.”

罗素塞奇学院强调其在建设更健康社区中的作用, 这一使命包括欢迎新来者加入我们的社区, 是谁提升了文化景观,让我们对世界有了更深入的了解,罗素赛奇总裁克里斯托弗·埃姆斯说. “We are proud to partner with both ECAR and Hudson Valley in this work as it provides our students with opportunities to make a difference and helps them grow as citizens and future professionals.”

“We are delighted that 哈德逊山谷社区学院 is joining the growing ECAR network of colleges and universities supporting refugee newcomers to the Capital Region; these institutions, 比如罗素塞奇学院和锡耶纳学院, 是否为新加入的社区成员提供了一个软着陆和一个更强大的开端, all while engaging their students in related transformative 教育al experiences and deepening local community ties,”医生说。. 迪亚Abdo, 每个校园都是避难所 (ECAR)创始人兼主任. “Hudson Valley is also a wonderful example of how community colleges are playing the role of anchor institutions in their cities. 作为纽约州立大学第一个参与ECAR项目的学校, 哈德逊河谷将引领更多的人效仿. 非常重要的是, the partnership between Hudson Valley and 罗素塞奇学院 presents a new and innovative model of participating in the ECAR program that brings together a public and a private college, and allows an institution without on-campus housing to serve newcomer families in sustained and meaningful ways.”

凯瑟琳·威利斯, 哈德逊谷大学的教员, 谁将担任ECAR协调员,并作为ECAR家庭沟通的第一线, as well as coordinating with the Russell Sage Women's Institute Executive Director Shelly Calabrese, 和阿里·谢弗林, 服务学习和社区参与主任. 威利斯将监督一个包括学生在内的ECAR咨询团队, 教师, 工作人员和社区组织代表增加对ECAR的支持, 我们社区的难民和新移民家庭.

一些现有的大学项目将支持难民家庭, 包括哈德逊河谷的首都地区教育机会中心, 哪家公司提供免费的职业教育和技能培训. 学院还提供学术支持服务, 辅导, 指导, 实际/工作经验, 托儿中心, 心理咨询和健康服务,还有食品储藏室, 哪些将提供给ECAR家庭. Universal CDTA ridership is also provided to Hudson Valley and EOC students and will be provided to the families.

ECAR赠款为捐款未涵盖的需求提供补充资金, 包括手机, 床垫, 和无线网络. Funds are also earmarked for moving expenses and first month’s rent to transition to permanent off-campus housing. Additional resources will be raised through Hudson Valley’s 基金会 in conjunction with Russell Sage.

在罗杰·拉姆萨米总统的领导下, Hudson Valley established an Office of 全球计划 and established many new partnerships with organizations that support refugee and immigrant populations, 包括以马忤斯难民和移民支持服务中心(RISSE)和美国.S. 难民和移民委员会. 通过积极的大学外展和难民活动, 移民和信仰组织, 学院增加了ESL课程的招生人数, 从2004-2018年的115名学生到2020年的284名学生.

哈德逊山谷目前每年招收来自超过35个国家的学生. 认识到需要将服务扩大到首都地区以外, 学院在2019年战略规划过程中采用了新的使命宣言, 编纂它的目的是提供变革, student centered and high-quality 教育al opportunities that address the diverse needs of local and global communities.

从那时起, 这所学院采取了各种各样的新举措, including offering non-credit ESL courses at no cost at Centro Civico in Albany; hosting the inaugural Refugee and Immigrant Community Forum to engage in an interactive dialogue with agencies that support resettlement; welcoming the International Center of the Capital Region’s headquarters to campus; and announcing that its Capital District 教育机会中心 is partnering with the Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus to offer free English as a Second Language classes for adults who want to learn English as a new language.

4月, Hudson Valley received a prestigious Global Citizenship Award of Excellence from the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics, recognizing the college’s commitment to providing the exemplary strategies and tools needed to prepare students for a global world.

ECAR倡议得到了白宫的认可, 联合国, and at the sixth annual President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge Gathering. 美国国家公共电台(NPR)的阿里·夏皮罗(Ari Shapiro)主持的“All Things Considered”节目对它进行了专题报道, WUNC的弗兰克·斯塔西奥的“事物的状态”, 以及《华盛顿邮报, 也是国务院关于大学如何帮助难民的工具包的一部分. 每个校园都是避难所 has won the Yousif Badri Civic Engagement International Prize from Ahfad University in Omdurman, 苏丹(2021), the Gulf South Summit’s Outstanding Service-Learning Collaboration in Higher Education Award (2017), 华盛顿中心高等教育公民参与奖(2017年).

